Compliance of the end buyer


Before any negotiation, the end buyer should provide all the following information, necessary for ALOA’s Compliance:

1 : Excel file “Buyer Compliance Sheet” to be filled in
2 : Passport Copies to be provided of all the Company’s shareholders and of all the persons involved in the commercial transactions with ALOA Universal Trading
3 : Copy of the Company’s registration certificate to be provided

To facilitate the execution of the deal, you will find below the ALOA’s procedures.

Buyer Compliance Sheet
Example of an LOI
Example of an ICPO (for Sugar)
Example of Procedure (for Sugar)

Different steps of the standard flow

After check of the End Buyer Compliance, the following steps should be respected, the deadlines as well between the steps (in any).

1 - The Buyer sends a LOI to the Mandate Seller ALOA Universal Trading.
2 - The End Seller sends a FCO (Full Corporate Offer) to the Buyer. In return, the Buyer signs and sends an ICPO (Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order).
3 - Within 5 (five) banking days following the sending of the ICPO, the Buyer shall send to the Seller:

a) The bank verbiage of the financial instrument
b) The RWA Proof of Funds via a banking SWIFT with the total amount of the ICPO – total amount of the ICPO if SPOT contract or amount of one month delivery if ANNUAL contract.